BOLD Faith Part II


In Person Services | 2nd Sunday of Every Month 3:00 PM PST | Sunday Weekly Online Services 9:30 AM PST

Oct. 07, 2020


Considering the definition of Boldness here are some thoughts to ponder as we begin this study…


  • When is the last time you were Bold? When is the last time you dared to believe God? 
  • When is the last time you took your faith for a walk with boldness? 
  • Have you exercised your faith with a. willingness to take risks? Have you acted innovatively? Have you approached your faith with confidence and courage? 

Hebrews 11 read 1-3, vs.6

This week’s points to ponder….

  1. Bold faith is being able to believe in the promises of God even if it looks like you will not see it in your lifetime.
  2. Bold Faith is being willing to sacrifice your comfort for your purpose.
  3. Bold Faith is accepting the possibility of a battle fresh off of a victory.


Bold Faith is being able to believe in the promises of God even if it looks like you will not see it in your lifetime.

Hebrews 11: 22- Go to Gen 50:22

Joseph :

  • Joseph is a great example of Bold Faith not because of what he said in his death but because of WHO he was in his life. He A dreamer, Sold into slavery by his own people
  • Wrongfully imprisoned for being accused by Potiphar’s wife
  • Thrown in jail …I am sure he had plenty of opportunities to be discouraged and believe that God has forgotten about him, but he stays in the faith
  • In fact, it is the gift of dreaming that ultimately delivers him Gen 41:38-39
  • And in the end, he remembers the promise that God gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob of a promised land and says promise me that you will not leave me here! 
  • He knew God made a  promise and although he was about to die, he wanted the promises of God and was perfectly fine if he could not see it.


Bold Faith is being willing to sacrifice your comfort for your purpose.


Verse 24-26 (READ) 


A Deliverer born a Hebrew slave and adopted as a prince

  • Murders a man for the mistreatment of others (woo…that will preach right there…
  • Decides to venture into the wilderness knowing the sin he had committed was punishable by death 
  • Gets commissioned by God, feeling unworthy, unlearned yet he not only has the faith to walk up to the burning bush but accepts the call of God in the worst circumstances…
  • Faithfully leads a complaining people. Never satisfied.


Bold Faith is accepting the possibility of a new battle right after you have seen a victory.



  • Joshua led many battles for the children of Israel and after all of the walking, they probably thought they were finished when this wall came down… 
  • We knocked the wall down yayy! And Joshua has to get them back focused because that was just the way in… not the point of victory 
  • Sometimes your greatest accomplishment is getting to the fight so the Lord can stand for you. 
  • Again, all of these people have experience with God’s character …Their faith is an indicator of their experiences with God …We can be so quick to forget that God has great things in store for us.